Welcome to the

Good Girl Rebellion

It’s time to stop growing other people’s dream businesses and start growing our own

are you a


The Good Girl mindset is a subconscious pattern of thinking and behaving that makes you a great employee but blocks your success in your own business. But don’t panic.

The Good Girl Rebellion is your roadmap to success because you didn’t come this far to only come this far. You have a lot to offer so it’s time to break free, to live and succeed on your terms.

Take the free personality quiz and discover if the Good Girl Rebellion is designed for you.

Hi, I’m Anna Campbell

Leading the Good Girl Rebellion from the front

Why me? The Good Girl Rebellion is everything I wish I’d known when I first started my own business - packaged up with a bow on top (well, in an app actually).

With over 25 years of experience, my journey spans Psychology, teaching, online course creation, and building a thriving online business.

I was employee number one for a start-up that grew to be very successful. I knew how it was done so I thought, well I’ll do it for myself. And stalled out. I couldn’t get momentum and I didn’t understand why.

Everything fell into place when I went back to the psychology and found the way to build a business and manage myself that worked with my nature and personality.

That was the blueprint for the Good Girl Rebellion and I’m so excited to share that with you too because it is a literal life changer.

The Good Girl Rebellion app 

The gap between starting a business and growing to where you have consistent income and customers/clients is difficult for us to navigate. It is a risky time where we can become overwhelmed, second guess ourselves, lose momentum and end up giving up just before it gets good.

To succeed we need to do two things:

1. Work on our business consistently and build momentum so that we attract customers/clients and good income

2. Get out of our own damn way - clear our psychological blocks e.g. imposter syndrome, problems with decision making, money mindset etc

The app is designed to help you do both.
