I’m Anna Campbell
Proudly leading the Good Girl Rebellion from the front
I know first-hand the struggle to start and grow my own business, even though I had entrepreneurial experience and success.
It took me a long time to work out why but when I did everything changed.
So how did I become the leader of the rebellion?
I’m going to give you the short version and then a more detailed version so you can pick which one to read!

The shorter version!
It’s been so fun to look back and reflect on my varied career. These unique experiences and jobs have inevitably brought me to create the Good Girl Rebellion. Here are some of the highlights:
I studied Psychology at university and everything I do comes back to a fascination with our perception and behaviour
I became a teacher, including at a London university, and have taught full and part-time throughout my career since 2000
I joined a different London university as an Educational Technologist and worked in online learning and course creation
I started working for an entrepreneur in 2012 and was the first employee for a business that grew from zero to 6 and 7-figure years and 30 employees. I was a key part of that growth, starting as a Marketing Coordinator and eventually becoming a senior manager. I saw how it was done - from the big picture thinking down to the smallest details
I studied to become a Wayfinder Life Coach with Martha Beck and was accredited as an Associate Certified Coach with the ICF (International Coaching Federation)
I used my knowledge of growing a successful business to start my own - and immediately stalled. I didn’t understand what was going on until I went back to the psychology and how the Good Girl mindset means we need to manage ourselves and our business growth differently from others
I used my knowledge of psychology to create the Good Girl Rebellion, a program and methodology to help bridge the gap between business start-up and consistent income and customers/clients. It works on two things - getting momentum and getting out of your own way
I developed this into an app so that it is simple to use and only takes a few minutes a day to set you on the right path
There are three main strands of the Good Girl Rebellion:
Good Girl Rebellion app - you press play each day and I guide you through
Good Girl Rising - a few times a year I run a 90-day accountability sprint for a small group with live support to help you get it done
Good Girl Revolution - my one-to-one coaching - a bespoke blend of coaching, mindset, psychology, digital marketing and strategy designed for you to get results, fast.
The longer version!
Featuring more of the ups and downs and moments where I didn’t know what to do.
Studying Psychology
I have always been interested in understanding people, what we think and how we behave. And with the exuberance of youth, I chose to study Psychology at university for three years despite only having a tenuous understanding of what it was. Fortunately, that was a good move for me. I found it fascinating, particularly perception and that how we see our world is our world.
I had thought that I would know what I wanted to do with my life by the time I finished my degree. Alas inspiration had not struck (actually, I think my ideal career as a coach didn't exist then. It was still the last millenium at this stage after all) and I ended up working full time in the shop I'd been working in as a student. Very quickly I joined the training department and despite my first ever training session being terrifying I did love it. So while I was working full time I studied for my teaching degree in the evenings. I then started to use my new skills to teach Psychology, eventually doing that full-time. During that time I taught undergraduate Psychology for Birkbeck, the part-time university in London.
Educational Technology
If you've ever been a full-time teacher you will likely know what happened next. Teaching is brilliant but the hours are long and you have to be ‘on’ all the time. You also have to do planning and marking in your own time and after 6 years of this I was running on fumes. The turning point for me was my boss dropping dead of a heart attack on the first day of a holiday. It was an Ofsted year (government inspection) and I knew I needed to move on. I had spearheaded online learning in my department and got a job working as an Educational Technologist at a London University. My job was to work with the professors to help get their course content online. Bear in mind that this was 2009 and online learning was not what it is today.
Start-up Success
My contract in the Ed Tech job was for 3 years and while it was extended, I decided it was time to leave. I started a very enjoyable hodge-podge of jobs, teaching part-time in adult education and being a part-time Marketing Coordinator. The entrepreneur I was working for started another business providing online courses and I was employee number 1. That business grew to consistent 6 and 7-figure years and over 30 staff. I moved from marketing to becoming a senior manager and having been involved since the beginning had done all the jobs, particularly digital marketing.
Side note - there seem to be a lot of people out there running a successful business about how to run a successful business. It feels a bit like a pyramid scheme (just me?). That is not where I’m coming from.
I built on my Psychology knowledge by training to become a Wayfinder life coach and accredited as an Associate Certified Coach with the ICF (International Coaching Federation). For me, that was about learning the strategies to help people change their lives, and about supervised practice and assessment to ensure I was doing it right.
My own start-up
I decided to start my own business. And that's where it all fell down. Because despite having a wealth of knowledge and experience behind me I couldn't get momentum. I was brilliant at working for someone else so I didn't understand what was going wrong.
The Rebellion
My aha moment came when I went back to my roots in psychology and realised that what motivates me and how I handle working for myself is different to others. What I've come to call our 'good girl' nature or personality is a series of traits that we have. These traits include:
High empathy
High reliability
High integrity
Great collaborator
Thrive on accountability
This pattern of traits makes us particularly awesome in many ways. But not, sadly, when it comes to starting and growing a business. That bit from start up to having a successful and thriving business with consistent income is a weak point for a lot of personalities but particularly for us. We can get overwhelmed with all of our amazing ideas and not know which to implement. We can struggle with decision making because of this and lose a lot of time. We thrive on accountability which we have once we have consistent customers but at this early stage with no one counting on us, it's not easy to stay motivated. And so many businesses do not get off the ground. There are some stats on this with one saying as many as 92% of businesses will fail in the first two years.
BUT that does not have to be the case for us.
I used my psychology knowledge to devise a way for us to succeed. I started using it myself and very quickly got momentum on my business and grew my customer base and income. And others have been using the Rebellion and finding their own success.
The rebellion isn't about us trying to change who we are deep down. I'm rebelling against spending my time working for someone else, trading my precious time and expertise for a salary. It's about stopping growing other people's dream businesses and start growing our own.
So that's what the Good Girl Rebellion is at it's heart. There are three main parts to it
The Good Girl Rebellion
The app which is cleverly designed to walk you through what to do every day. Because we need to do two things:
1. Work on our business consistently and build momentum so that we attract customers/clients and good income
2. Get out of our own damn way - clear our psychological blocks e.g. imposter syndrome, problems with decision making, money mindset etc
I wanted a way to coach everyone that wanted it through this exciting phase of business growth and that's what the app provides.
The Good Girl Rising
A couple of times a year I have a 90-day sprint with a small group of people working together. We have live content, accountability and support to help you achieve.
The Good Girl Revolution
My bespoke blend of coaching, mindset, psychology, digital marketing and strategy designed for you to get results, fast.
This is offered one to one and I have limited spaces available at any one time.
Featured in the press ..
I’ve been featured in the following:
I wonder if anyone will see this bit. It’s so difficult to sum up more that 25 years on a webpage! I missed out getting married, getting divorced, getting married again. Moving from London, England to Edinburgh, Scotland. The fact that I have four degrees and not just the two that I mentioned here. How grateful I am to look back on this adventure that is my adult life and see how it adds up perfectly to being the right person to lead the Good Girl Rebellion. That I am already so excited to see how this is changing people’s lives and my dearest wish is that you’ll look back on your adult life and this will be a turning point for you. That this will be the thing that makes it all fall into place and make sense. And then you skyrocket. Because that is what you deserve.
It’s time.