Start before you’re ready
I like this photo of me despite the fact I never answer my phone! But it looks good right?!
This week I've been thinking about the idea START BEFORE YOU'RE READY
I work with female entrepreneurs and see it repeatedly - it's so easy for us to fall into the trap of wanting everything to be perfect and aligned before we put it out into the world. It feels natural to do that as it makes us feel more confident and able.
There are many reasons why we are holding ourselves back by doing this.
1. You need to test out your idea
The business acronym is MVP - minimum viable product.
Sometimes we can get so caught up in our big dreams for our business that we don't think about the steps to take to get there. If you spend a few years developing your product/service without having it out in the world you're missing out. You could test a few ideas to see which works best, generate some income and avoid wasting time and resources on the wrong thing.
Setting up my app was a bit like this. It took time to get the basics in but I was able to launch and then continue to add content as people use it. It didn't have to all be there before I published and I was able to learn as I went.
Today, take some time to think about what you can get out in the world soon. You don't need branded packaging or a fancy booking system for new clients. Those may be things you aim for but you don't need to start there, and thinking you do is holding you back.
2. It takes time to build interest in what we're selling
If you wait until you have a product or service range ready to go before building your email list and social media following, you have no one to share with.
Start now. Share behind the scenes and your journey to setting up your business - the highs and lows. In this world what we're craving is real connection. We are no longer interested in faceless and corporate. We want to hear from you.
3. We Good Girls wait too long
According to research by LinkedIn, women apply to 20% fewer jobs than men and are less likely to apply unless they meet 100% of the job description criteria. This is paralleled against men who will apply for a job if they meet just 60% of the listed requirements.
Now I know we're not looking for a job but the same is true in entrepreneurship. While we worry about how many products we have and getting everything perfect, others are getting theirs out there, getting feedback and earning as they learn what works. That doesn't mean I think you should sell anything that isn't ready but I am willing to bet you have something - a product or service, that you could sell today and you've been holding off on.
Share a product or service this week on your social media and ask for a sale. If you don't have a website or payment platform, say they can DM or email you and send them a Paypal link. Best case scenario you make a sale. And if you don't, you've still let your audience know what you sell and what you do and that is valuable in building trust.
If you’ve been nodding along as you’ve been reading then this is for you! But you can check by taking the free personality quiz. This gives you a 13-page pdf report with advice tailored to your answers.
The Good Girl Rebellion app (available on Apple, Android or on your computer) is designed to help you through these challenges every workday. It’s like I’m there coaching you one to one! You press play and it guides you through clearing your blocks and building your business.
Right now it’s available at an introductory offer at £17 per month with no minimum commitment - you can cancel when you want yourself in the app. And there is a 7 day free trial so you can even try it out with no charge.
This is something I’ve worked on for 18 months (and probably longer) and I’m super proud of the impact it’s having for people already. I’d love you to get those results too.